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Convocatòria extraordinària de juny

Next week, there's the final exam. Remember you have to revise all the contents from starter unit to unit 6 (vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing and listening). If you have some questions, you can contact me on Below you'll find some links to practise activities: UNIT 1: Present Simple: Present Continuous: Click on to practise PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1?                                  PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOUS 2? UNIT 2: Verb To Be - past simple   Could / couldn't Past simple - Regular Verbs Past simple - Irregular Verbs Past simple - Negative Verbs Past simple - Questions   UNIT 3:   Past Continuous: Past Continuous Positive and Negative Past Continuous Questions   Past Simple vs Past Continuous: Past Simple or Past Continuous Exercise 1 Past Simple or Past C
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Grade your English teacher

Summer is round the corner and the course is (almost) over! Time flies and we're already thinking on the beach, the free time, the long evenings.... but before it I would like you to give your opinion about my classes. We, teachers, also need some information/help to improve (just like you, students, do!) So, please, take just 5 minutes to answer ANONYMOUSLY   this SURVEY. Pulsa aquí para contestar una encuesta

Present Perfect

In class we're studying the present perfect tense, so here you'll find some resources to revise its structure and use. WHEN DO WE USE THE PRESENT PERFECT? Check also the British Council website which contains explanations and activities or the Perfect English website with more activities to practise the structure. Finally you may find this video useful where the difference between present perfect and past simple is explained or you may enjoy this video where they show different scenes from famous films where they use the present perfect.

What do we celebrate on the 17th May?

What is IDAHOT? International Day against Homophobia and  Transphobia.  Not only is May 17th a worldwide celebration of sexual and gender diversities, but it was set up to bring the violence and discrimination still suffered by the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) communities to the attention of policy makers and the general public.  Whilst great strides have been made in the acceptance of homosexual and bisexual equalities, there is still much work to be done, as same sex acts are still illegal in 37 countries.  Those in the transgender community are even more poorly understood, remaining one of the few groups who do not even have even a minimum level of social acceptance and legal equality in most modern societies across the world. From Sometimes the best way to understand some who is different from us is just listening to him or her. That's why in class we watched a video where a teenage transgender girl tells

Listening practice

This week we've practised the 'fill in a form' listening. It's a common activity in KET, PET and other external certification exams. In a 'fill in a form' listening activity you listen to a conversation and you have to complete a box with the information you hear. This tests your ability to listen for specific information in conversations. An useful tip is reading the questions carefully before listening and predicting what type of information you need to complete in the table (a number, a name, a day of the week, etc?) If you want to practise further, you can use these links: Listening from KEY exam : City Bus Tours Listening from KEY exam: Festival Listening from KEY exam: Library Listening from KEY exam: Children's competition

An Opinion Essay

This week in class we're taking a look at how to organise a writing giving our opinion about a topic. This kind of writing it's usually called "opinion essay" or "for and against essay". These links may help you:    Activity 1               Activity 2 And related to this we discussed in class about the controversial topic: SHOULD WE ALL BECOME VEGANS?  And by chance today I've bumped into this short animated film: The Scarecrow . I hope you enjoy it!

UTOPIA: My dream world

You are going to design your own island:  Draw it. Give it a name and design a flag. How many inhabitants are there? What language(s) do they speak? Is there any special law? What’s the weather like? Now you can think about what features you would like to have. Add some of the following features: Motorways or main roads Railway Port and airport River and lakes Forests and mountains, desert, valleys and other geographic features. Main towns Now add other features if you consider them necessary. Make sure you provide a clear, detailed key of all features. There will be a class competition for the best island so make sure your work is neat, add plenty of colour and be creative and clear when you present it in front of the class!