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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2018

UTOPIA: My dream world

You are going to design your own island:  Draw it. Give it a name and design a flag. How many inhabitants are there? What language(s) do they speak? Is there any special law? What’s the weather like? Now you can think about what features you would like to have. Add some of the following features: Motorways or main roads Railway Port and airport River and lakes Forests and mountains, desert, valleys and other geographic features. Main towns Now add other features if you consider them necessary. Make sure you provide a clear, detailed key of all features. There will be a class competition for the best island so make sure your work is neat, add plenty of colour and be creative and clear when you present it in front of the class!

A mystery story

This week in class we read a story full of mystery with a good twist ending. With your guesses you showed that you have plenty of imagination, so now it's time to create your own story. Remember the topic is free but you have to follow some instructions: - use verbs in past simple and past continuous - use sequencing words and expressions, such as one day , soon , then , by then , later or in the end . - write at least two guessing questions, such as "where do you think she was going?" or "how do you think she felt now?" and answer them into the next paragraph. - write at least three paragraphs. - write (at least) about 125 words. If you like writing stories here there's a useful guide: "How to write a mystery story" and if you like reading detective novels I'd recommend you The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, we've got some adapted copies in our department, so feel free to ask me for a copy to read